Its about time that I got my life together, and by life I mean my home. I need to organize and purge and purge and purge. Okay, I probably don't have that much to purge, seeing how I am constantly editing my material possessions and carting them off to the goodwill. However, somehow, I always seem to amass enough items (each season) to make a good trunk full of stuff to haul to the goodwill. It really goes against everything I believe in.... this over consumption and disposal of goods, but I really don't know how to avoid it. How do you avoid something you don't see coming? I don't shop that much, the majority of money is spent on food items. Where is this stuff coming from? Lets see if I can make this make sense...
1. My son- I do have clothing items (bought to fit me during pregnancy and after childbirth) that no longer fit because my size has been slowly decreasing since I gave birth and these items (mainly pants) don't fit flatteringly anymore (this is coming from my husband whose opinion I value on matters concerning the appearance of my butt in aforementioned pants).
2. My husband's mother- Ok, she doesn't really hold any blame here, but I am going to go ahead and assign her some. First of all she constantly calls me to ask me what size my baby is wearing because she is out shopping and just found an unbelievable sale at Children's Place or BabyGap or some such other store.... it doesn't matter if I say we don't need anything, if the deal is good enough she will certainly buy the items and justify it by saying that SOMEDAY he will be able to wear it and if not she has 4 more grandkids, etc.... How this relates to my current clutter, ummmm... well, ummm there are at least 1 or 2 baby items here that I don't need, I am sure... let me just look around for a minute...
3. My husband- this jerk wanted to keep a vodka bottle because it was shaped like a skull last week. Obviously I unceremoniously hit the dumpster with it while he was at work. This is one small example of his attitude toward decluttering and organizing. (eta: people may think I shouldn't call my husband a jerk on a public blog, but it is a fact, he tends to be a jerk, it requires a certain amount of constant self-awareness for him not to be, and that self-awareness is often lacking. Just stating the facts, doesn't mean I love him any less...)
4. My neighbors- I blame them for not moving out of the bigger house that my family is renting to them that I would like to move into. If I had more space I could organize my stuff better...
Okay thats enough of that, I am going to be a big girl after I finish playing on the computer and my sweet baby wakes up and go get started!